2025 Legislative Session
Original Post Date: January 16th, 2025
Post Updated: February 7th, 2025
The 2025 Utah Legislative Session will start on January 21st, 2025, and end on March 7th, 2025.
If passed, a Bill will become law and effective on May 7th, 2025, unless otherwise stated in the Bill.
The following Bills are related to firearms, self-defense, hunting, and/or security officer licensing. Each Bill has a visual indication and includes the Title with a link to the Bill and a brief description of what the Bill is about, the Sponsor(s), Current Status, and Current Location. If you want to know more about what a Bill is, its process, and how it becomes law, see the Utah State Legislature website or How A Bill Becomes A Law In Utah.
- [ Â ] We support the Bill. It will improve current law(s) and make it better for firearm owners.
- [ Â ] We are neutral about the Bill. It does not make it better or worse for firearm owners but may or may not improve current law(s).
- [ Â ] We oppose the Bill. It will make current law(s) worse for firearm owners.
Note: Whether we support, feel neutral, or oppose a Bill listed below it is the owner of this website’s personal opinion and may not have the same views or opinions as other gun owners or organizations.
We encourage you to read and fully understand the Bill and its context to form your own opinion about each Bill for yourself.
Total Bills: 25
Bills Passed: 1
Governor Signed: 0
Bills Failed: 1
Bills Not Introduced: 0
Numbered Bills
 /  | Short Title | Sponsor | Last Action | Last Location |
 |  H.B. 40 School Safety Amendments Revises screening and training requirements for school safety personnel and other changes. |
Rep. Wilcox, Ryan D. (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ circled | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 94 Exemptions from Dangerous Weapons Provisions This bill would create an exemption to discharging a firearm or other dangerous weapon for an individual acting under a farm custom slaughter license if complying with current law. |
Rep. Roberts, Calvin (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ to Senate | Senate Secretary |
 |  H.B. 104 Firearm Safety in Schools Amendments Requires firearm safety to be taught in schools but allows a parent or legal guardian to have their child opt out. |
Rep. Shipp, Rex P. (Republican) |
2/6/2025, House/ 2nd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 128 Dangerous Weapon at a School Amendments Clarifies that the crime of possession of a dangerous weapon on or about school premises applies to both minors and adults, and makes technical and conforming changes. |
Rep. Gwynn, Matthew H. (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ held | House Docket Clerk |
 |  H.B. 132 Firearm Storage Requirements Sets a criminal penalty in certain circumstances when an individual fails to lawfully store the individual’s firearms and the firearm is then accessed by a minor in an unlawful manner. |
Rep. Stoddard, Andrew (Democrat) |
1/29/2025, House Comm – Not Considered | House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee |
 |  H.B. 133 Dangerous Weapons Amendments The MOTHER of all gun Bills. This restructures and makes technical changes to sections in the Utah Code dealing with dangerous weapons to bring the sections into a standardized format as part of a larger effort to recodify the criminal code, and more. |
Rep. Lisonbee, Karianne (Republican) |
2/5/2025, Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) | Senate Rules Committee |
 |  H.B. 143 Firearm Safety Incentives This bill establishes an income tax credit for the purchase of a firearm safety device. |
Rep. MacPherson, Matt (Republican) |
1/21/2025, House/ 1st reading (Introduced) | House Rules Committee |
 |  H.B. 153 Hunting Amendments This bill addresses the taking of wildlife through the use of a hunting guide or outfitter. |
Rep. Shipp, Rex P. (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ 2nd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 158 State Sovereignty Amendments This bill addresses state sovereignty. Declares that an international organization does not have any power, jurisdiction, or legal authority in this state. |
Rep. Shepherd, Lisa (Republican) |
1/31/2025, House/ 2nd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 183 Noncitizen Restricted Person Amendments Clarifies that aliens who have applications pending for asylum or temporary protected status are restricted persons not allowed to possess, purchase, transfer, or own dangerous weapons; and makes technical and conforming changes. |
Rep. Lisonbee, Karianne (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ 2nd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 187 Imitation Firearm Amendments This bill addresses imitation firearms that have been altered to have the appearance of a firearm. |
Rep. Fitisemanu, Jake (Democrat) |
2/6/2025, House Comm – Held | House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee |
 |  H.B. 195 Firearm Retention Amendments This bill addresses the retention of evidence of seized firearms. |
Rep. MacPherson, Matt (Republican) |
2/4/2025, House/ 2nd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 200 Outdoor Recreation Amendments Allows state to keep federal recreation lands open duing “government shutdown” during budgetary games. |
Rep. Cutler, Paul A. (Republican) |
2/6/2025, Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar | Senate 2nd Reading Calendar |
 |  H.B. 202 Private Landowner Big Game Revisions Establishes the criteria for a landowner draw, provides procedures to become an applicant for a landowner draw, addresses the redeeming of a voucher, guarantees vouchers under certain circumstances, requires compliance with other laws; and, addresses rulemaking. |
Rep. Albrecht, Carl R. (Republican) |
2/5/2025, House/ to standing committee | House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee |
 |  H.B. 221 Burglary Amendments This bill creates the criminal offense of damaging a firearm storage container or safety device during the commission of a burglary. |
Rep. Jack, Colin W. (Republican) |
1/21/2025, House/ 1st reading (Introduced) | House Rules Committee |
 |  H.B. 227 Restricted Person Amendments This bill amends provisions relating to those who are restricted persons regarding dangerous weapons. |
Rep. Mauga, Verona (Democrat) |
2/6/2025, House Comm – Held | House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee |
 |  H.B. 244 Wildlife Management Area Amendments Addresses wildlife management areas. |
Rep. Snider, Casey (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ 2nd reading | House 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills |
 |  H.B. 309 Wildlife Amendments Addresses state activities related to wildlife. |
Rep. Snider, Casey (Republican) |
2/3/2025, House/ to standing committee | House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee |
 |  H.B. 319 Natural Resources Survey Amendments Identification of state and federal lands for development as outdoor recreation infrastructure. |
Rep. Owens, Doug (Democrat) |
1/30/2025, House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst | House Rules Committee |
 |  H.B. 354 Criminal Justice Revisions Modifies collection and reporting of data regarding crimes, prisoners, and also firearms. Section dealing with “Untraceable firearms” is badly flawed, failing to recognize that serial numbers were NOT REQUIRED on firearms prior to the Gun Control Act of 1968. |
Rep. Wilcox, Ryan D. (Republican) |
2/7/2025, House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst | House Rules Committee |
 |  H.B. 425 Bureau of Criminal Identification Fee Amendments Increases the fee for a concealed firearm permit for out-of-state applicants, amends when funds from the Concealed Weapons Account are transferred to the Suicide Prevention and Education Fund, and increases the annual fee for offenders on the Sex, Kidnap, and Child Abuse Offender Registry. |
Rep. Dunnigan, James A. (Republican) |
2/6/2025, House/ 1st reading (Introduced) | House Rules Committee |
 |  S.B. 14 Private Sale of a Firearm Sunset Review Amendments This bill removes the sunset provision for Section 76-10-526.1, Information check before private sale of a firearm. – PASSED |
Sen. Grover, Keith (Republican) |
2/7/2025, Senate/ signed by President/ sent for enrolling | Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling |
 |  S.B. 66 School Personnel Amendments This bill amends the definition of certain school employees to “education support professional.” |
Sen. Fillmore, Lincoln (Republican) |
2/4/2025, House/ to standing committee | House Education Committee |
 |  S.B. 130 Firearm and Firearm Accessory Modifications This bill addresses firearms and firearm accessories. Among a LOT of stupid things, this would require a waiting period to purchase a firearm. – FAILED |
Sen. Blouin, Nate (Democrat) |
1/31/2025, Senate Comm – Motion to Recommend Failed | Senate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee |
 |  S.B. 160 Product Liability Amendments Provides that a claimant is not required to demonstrate the availability of a safer alternative design to prevail in a civil action under the defect or defective condition statute. |
Sen. Stratton, Keven J. (Republican) |
1/24/2025, Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) | Senate Rules Committee |