Utah Is Now The 17th Constitutional Carry State !!
This post was updated on March 14th, 2025, to include updated information.
Governor Cox signed H.B. 60 Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments into law on February 12th, 2021, making Utah the 17th state to become Constitutional Carry, also known as “Permitless Carry”.
Don’t just start loading up and carrying yet, though, as the new law does not take effect until May 5th, 2021. While it’s great news for Utah, you must know some very important things before you start carrying your firearm everywhere you go. Companies and instructors are spreading a lot of wrong information about this new law, so we are going to set the facts straight as we always do so that you can better understand the truth.
FACT: This new law does not eliminate the Utah concealed firearm permits. There will still be classes available (unfortunately from the same instructors mentioned above), and the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) will issue new permits and renew permits for anyone meeting the minimum requirements. Anyone under 21 years old (18 to 20 years old) will still be required to obtain a Utah “Provisional” permit to carry a loaded or concealed firearm.
The New Law Allows
- Anyone at least 21 years old who is not a prohibited person can carry a concealed firearm without a permit.
- Carry any legally owned firearm, not limited to handguns like many other states.
- Carry the firearm loaded.
- Carry anywhere that current permit holders can EXCEPT on school premises, and all State prohibited areas and Federal prohibited areas.
The law also creates a fund known as the Suicide Prevention and Education Fund where 50% of excess funds from concealed firearm permit fees will be transferred to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health to be used in suicide prevention efforts that include a focus on firearm safety as related to suicide prevention.
What The New Law Does NOT Allow
Even after May 5th, 2021, if you DO NOT have a valid Utah concealed firearm permit:
- It is still ILLEGAL to carry a firearm on ANY public or private school premises, including charter schools and religious schools (kindergarten through 12th-grade schools) AND public or private institutions of higher education (colleges and universities). Having a loaded handgun in your vehicle is LEGAL, but this means if you step outside your vehicle while in the parking lot of any school, you are committing a class A misdemeanor as described in 76-10-505.5.(3)(b). Being convicted would prohibit you from obtaining a Utah concealed firearm permit for at least FIVE (5) YEARS if you ever decided you wanted to get a Utah permit. Just ensure you DO NOT get out of your vehicle with your firearm while in the school parking lot or go onto the school property. See more about schools here.
NOTE: There is a lot of confusion about Federal law 18 U.S.C. 922 Subsection (q)(2) also known as the “Gun-Free School Zone Act” which prohibits firearms within a school zone.
FACT: It has been legal for a long time to open carry an unloaded firearm while walking through the school zone. Nothing changes that would prohibit you from carrying a loaded or concealed firearm through a school zone under Constitutional Carry.
FACT: Most companies and instructors tell you that you’re going to be arrested and charged with a federal felony for carrying a firearm through the school zone. This is unfortunately a common occurrence with most instructors that teach the concealed firearm permit class or those who try to educate people about Utah’s gun laws by continuing to provide false and misleading information. As explained above, the “Gun-Free School Zone Act” is not recognized or enforced in Utah unless you commit a crime, then the possession of the firearm could be an enhancement to the criminal charges.
FACT: It is already legal to have a loaded handgun in a vehicle without having a concealed firearm permit, but it is ILLEGAL to possess a loaded rifle, shotgun, or muzzle-loading rifle in a vehicle unless you have a valid concealed firearm permit. See more about cars here. - It is still ILLEGAL to possess ANY firearm in State or Federal prohibited areas. (Individuals with a permit still can’t carry here, either.)
- It is still ILLEGAL to carry ANY firearm in any other state, subject to the laws of that state. Currently, 20 states (as of when this post was last updated) allow Constitutional Carry, which you may be able to carry in if you decide not to get the Utah permit. See our Reciprocity Map.
Why You Should Get And Keep A Utah PermitÂ
- To carry a firearm on ANY public or private school premises, including charter schools and religious schools (kindergarten through 12th-grade schools) AND public or private institutions of higher education (colleges and universities). See more about schools here.
- To have (in addition to a loaded handgun) a loaded rifle, shotgun, and/or muzzle-loading rifle in a vehicle. See more about vehicles here.
- Carry a firearm in all 38 states/territory that recognize the Utah “Standard” permit. Reciprocity Map
- To be exempt from paying the $7.50 background check fee when purchasing a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer in Utah. See more here.
Read the entire Bill here: H.B. 60 Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments
If you want to get a concealed firearm permit or learn more about Utah gun laws, come to the best concealed carry class in the United States. See our training at https://utahfast.com
If you have any questions about this post, please contact us or ask them in our Facebook Group.