Utah Is A Constitutional Carry State
It is LEGAL to open carry a firearm in Utah without a permit if:
- You are at least 18 years old.
- As defined in 76-10-503 and 18 U.S.C. 922, you are not a prohibited person.
- The firearm is statutorily “unloaded” (two mechanisms to fire) unless you have a concealed firearm permit.
It is LEGAL to carry a loaded firearm, visible or concealed, without a concealed firearm permit if:
- You are at least 21 years old (residents AND non-residents).
- As defined in 76-10-503 and 18 U.S.C. 922, you are not a prohibited person.
- Not limited to handguns. ANY legal firearm.
- It is ILLEGAL to carry a firearm in a state prohibited area or federal prohibited area.
- It is ILLEGAL to carry a firearm on any school premises unless you have a valid Utah concealed firearm permit.
See more about Constitutional Carry here.

Duty To Notify Law Enforcement
There is NO legal requirement to notify a law enforcement officer you are in the possession of or carrying a firearm.
However, it is highly recommended.

State Prohibited Areas - No Firearms Allowed
It is ILLEGAL, even if you have a concealed firearm permit, to carry a firearm in any prohibited area described in 53-5-710.
Prohibited Areas Include:
- Higher education institutions (Colleges and Universities), one secure area as a hearing room
- Secure facilities (courts, law enforcement, correctional, and mental health facilities)
- Any airport secure area (past security screening checkpoints).
- House of worship or in any private residence where dangerous weapons are prohibited.
- Provisional CFP holders on school premises (K-12th schools).
The law, 76-8-311.1.(3), requires “at least one notice shall be prominently displayed at each entrance to an area in which a firearm, ammunition, dangerous weapon, or explosive is restricted.”

No Weapon Signs
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm into private businesses with “No Weapon” and “No Firearm” signs.
- These signs Do Not have the force of law, but businesses may have policies that can restrict a person from carrying a firearm. If you are asked to leave by the owner or any employee of the business, you must leave. Refusing to leave could result in being charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.
- The law, 76-8-311.1. (1)(e)(ii), says, “a secure area may not include any area normally accessible to the public.”

Purchasing & Selling Firearms
It is LEGAL for a Utah resident to purchase ANY firearm in Utah.
It is LEGAL for a non-resident to purchase a rifle and/or shotgun in Utah.
It is LEGAL to purchase firearms and sell firearms through private sales if the buyer and seller are;
- At least 18 years old
- A Utah resident
- Not a prohibited person as defined in 76-10-503 and 18 U.S.C. 922.
- Background checks are not required for private sales, but using a Bill Of Sale is highly recommended.
It is ILLEGAL, punishable as a Federal felony with up to 10 years in prison, for any individual who makes a profit from buying and selling firearms or ammunition without a Federal Firearms License (FFL).
It is ILLEGAL to purchase a firearm from or sell a firearm to a non-resident of Utah unless the firearm is transferred through a Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer.

National Firearms Act (NFA) Firearms
It is LEGAL to purchase and possess NFA firearms such as a Suppressor, Short-Barreled Rifle (SBR), Short-Barreled Shotgun (SBS), Fully Automatic, etc. as long as it is registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE {more commonly known as the ATF}) and the possession and transportation are in compliance with all state and federal laws.
Transporting & Moving With An NFA Firearm(s)

In Your Home & On Your Property
It is LEGAL to carry a fully loaded and concealed firearm without a concealed firearm permit in your residence (including any temporary residence or camp) and on your real property (property around your home and other land you own).
- Private property owners CAN include a provision in a lease, document, or addendum which prohibits firearms in the residence and on the property, so ensure to read all documents before signing.

Firearms In Vehicles & Parking Lots
It is LEGAL for any lawful person, at least 18 years old, to have a loaded and concealed handgun anywhere in your vehicle or if you have consent from the owner of the vehicle, even if you do not have a concealed firearm permit. Rifles, Shotguns, and Muzzle-Loading Rifles must be unloaded unless you have a concealed firearm permit.
It is LEGAL to have a firearm in your vehicle, in any parking lot EXCEPT as prohibited under state and federal law.

Utah Transit Authority (UTA)
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm on any Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Bus.
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm into any Greyhound bus terminal. Greyhound policies DO NOT allow any person to carry a firearm while riding on any Greyhound bus even with a valid concealed firearm permit and firearms are NOT allowed in carry-on or checked baggage.
See Greyhound Baggage Information.

Utah Transit Authority (UTA)
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm on any Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Trax and Frontrunner.
It is LEGAL to carry a concealed firearm in any Amtrak train terminal. You can also transport firearms on an Amtrak train in checked luggage only.
See Amtrak’s Policy & Prohibited Items

At Work / Places Of Employment
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm at your place of employment. There is no law restricting your possession of a firearm at work unless it is a state prohibited areas or federal prohibited areas.
If your employer is not a prohibited area but has a policy restricting the carrying of firearms or weapons, it does not keep you from being fired if your employer catches you violating the “no weapon” policy.

It Is ILLEGAL To Carry A Firearm on ANY School Property If You Do Not Have A Utah Concealed Firearm Permit. This includes individuals carrying a firearm under Utah’s constitutional carry law.
Regular Permit Holders (at least 21 years old)
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm in or on the grounds of any public or private school premises, including charter schools and religious schools (kindergarten through 12th-grade schools), public or private institutions of higher education (colleges and universities), preschools, and childcare facilities.
Provisional Utah CFP Holders (18 to 20 years old)
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm in and on the grounds of any public or private institutions of higher education (colleges and universities), preschool, and childcare facilities.
It is ILLEGAL to carry a firearm on or about school premises and any preschool or childcare facilities that are on any school premises (kindergarten through 12th-grade) per 53-5-710.(2).
- Private schools can restrict firearms per their policies and “no weapon” signs.

Churches “House Of Worship”
It is ILLEGAL to carry a firearm, even with a concealed firearm permit, into a house of worship if notice has been given as provided in 76-10-530.
The following churches have notified BCI of their intent to prohibit firearms in their “houses of worship” | BCI Website
- First Presbyterian Church of Logan
- Wasatch Presbyterian Church
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Airports & Flying With Firearms And Ammunition
It is LEGAL to have firearms secured in a vehicle in the parking lot of an airport.
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm in airport non-secure areas such as airline ticket counters and baggage claim.
It is ILLEGAL to possess any dangerous weapon, firearm, or explosive in airport secure areas as defined in 76-10-529.
- Traveling with firearms and ammunition must comply with all State and Federal laws, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) rules, and airline regulations.
- There is a lot of VERY important information including specific information about transporting firearms and ammunition on an airplane that you need to know. We break down all the difficult and confusing information out there and made it very easy for you.

Restaurants & Bars
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm into a restaurant or bar that serves alcohol.
Do not drink and drive. Do not drink and carry a firearm.
It is ILLEGAL to carry a dangerous weapon while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, with or without a permit.
- Blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) is .05>
- Commercial Drivers License (CDL) holder BAC is .04>
- If you are under 21 years old, Utah has a “ZERO TOLERANCE” policy for underage drinking. You cannot have ANY measurable amount of alcohol in your system.
It is LEGAL, if you are at least 21 years old, to carry a dangerous weapon (firearm) while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance if:
- The firearm is either securely encased or not within such proximity and in such a manner that it can be retrieved and used as readily as if carried on the person.
- You have to use or threaten to use force in compliance with 76-2-402.
- You are carrying a dangerous weapon in your home or someone else’s home with the owner’s consent.
- Under the influence of cannabis as described under the Utah Medical Cannabis Act*.
- With a valid prescription for a controlled substance, takes it as prescribed, is not a danger to themself or another individual, and is capable of safely handling a dangerous weapon.
* Marijuana is still illegal under federal law. This means if you have a Utah medical cannabis card you are prohibited from purchasing, possessing, owning, or carrying a firearm as described in 18 U.S.C. 922.

State Parks, Wildlife Management Areas, National Parks & Forests
It is LEGAL to carry a firearm in any state park, state wildlife management area (WMA), state & national wildlife areas and refuges, national forests, and national parks. This applies to everyone who has a valid concealed firearm permit AND Constitutional Carry for anyone at least 21 years old (residents and non-residents) if you are not a prohibited person as defined in 76-10-503 or 18 U.S.C. 922(g). Keep in mind that National Forests, National Parks, and National Wildlife Areas & Refuges are in more than one state, the laws governing firearms may change depending on your location within that location.
It is ILLEGAL to carry a firearm in any buildings owned by the federal government on any state park, national forest, or national park.
This includes, but not limited to, government offices, visitor centers, ranger stations, fee collection buildings, and maintenance facilities. All federal buildings must be posted or you must be informed they are a federal building.
Note: Restrooms and picnic shelters that are free-standing and not part of another building should not be considered a federal building.

Minors In Possession Of Firearms
It is ILLEGAL for a minor (a person under 18 years old) to be in possession of a firearm unless the minor has the permission of their parent or guardian to have the weapon or the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian while they have the weapon in their possession as described in 76-10-509.
It is ILLEGAL for a minor to be in possession of a handgun as described in 76-10-509.4.
- There are exceptions for minors being in possession of firearms under 76-10-512. Target concessions, shooting ranges, competitions, and hunting excepted from prohibitions.

Self Defense Laws
It’s not surprising that most people do not know the self-defense and defense of property laws, and when you can legally use force up to and including deadly force in the state of Utah. It’s not something an average citizen knows, but it is something that you HAVE to know.

Shipping Firearms & Ammunition
It is LEGAL to ship firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition but it is now a little complicated. It must be done in compliance with federal laws and shipping company policies.

State Emergency Powers
It is ILLEGAL for anyone, including law enforcement, to confiscate legal firearms and ammunition during a declared state of emergency or local emergency.

Concealed Firearm Act
See all concealed firearm laws in Chapter 5 Regulation of Firearms, Part 7 Concealed Firearm Act.

Hunting Laws
Get quick, detailed information on hunting various animals, guidebooks, hunting dates, and more.

Utah State-Made Firearms Protection Act
The Utah State-Made Firearms Protection Act was passed in 2010. It addresses the legal status of a firearm manufactured in the state for use within the state and provides that a firearm or one of the various firearm-related items manufactured in the state for in-state use is not subject to federal firearms laws and regulations.

Constitution of Utah - Firearm Laws
See the Constitution of Utah – Firearm Laws Constitution of Utah, Article I, Section 1. [Inherent and inalienable rights.], Section 6. [Right to bear arms.] and other important information.

Knife Laws
It is LEGAL to own and carry any type of knife as long as you are not a restricted person as defined in 76-10-503.
Legal knives include a butterfly knife, dirk, dagger, stiletto, bowie knife, automatic, gravity, switchblade or a disguised knife (in a belt buckle, necklace, etc.)